Charting Skills — SIP Calculator

Invested Amount: ₹

Estimated Returns: ₹

Total Value: ₹

Systematic Investment Plan Calculator

Investors often confuse SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) with mutual funds, but it’s important to understand that SIPs are simply a way to invest in these funds. Unlike lump-sum investments, SIPs involve contributing a set amount of money at regular intervals into a mutual fund. The intervals can vary – you might choose to invest monthly, quarterly, or even weekly.

A SIP calculator is a valuable tool for investors. It helps you estimate the potential returns from your investments in such financial instruments. By consistently investing through a SIP, you can accumulate wealth over time, leveraging the power of regular investments to build a substantial fund.

What is a SIP Calculator?

A SIP calculator is an intuitive tool that helps individuals understand the potential returns from their SIP-based mutual fund investments. Recently, SIPs in mutual funds have gained significant traction among millennials as a favored investment choice.

These calculators are crafted to provide a ballpark figure of what one might expect from their mutual fund investments. However, it’s crucial to note that the actual returns from a mutual fund can vary due to several factors. The calculator’s projections do not account for certain specifics like the exit load or the expense ratio that might apply.

By inputting your monthly SIP investment amount into this calculator, you can gauge the possible wealth accumulation and anticipated returns. Essentially, it offers you an estimated figure of the final amount you could accrue, based on a presumed annual rate of return.

How do SIP calculators work?

A SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) calculator helps you estimate how much money you’ll accumulate over a period of time by making regular investments. It uses a specific formula to do this calculation:

M = P × ({[1 + i]^n – 1} / i) × (1 + i)

Here’s what each part of the formula represents:

(+) M is the maturity amount you’ll receive at the end.

(+) P is the amount you invest regularly (like every month).

(+) n is the total number of investments you’ve made.

(+) i is the periodic rate of interest.

For example, say you want to invest ₹1,000 every month for 12 months (a year), and the interest rate is 12% per year. To find the monthly interest rate, divide 12% by 12, which gives you 1% (or 0.01 when used in the formula).

Using the formula, your calculation would be:

M = 1,000 × ([1 + 0.01]12 – 1) / 0.01 × (1 + 0.01)

This formula calculates to approximately ₹12,809.

Remember, the actual amount you get might vary because SIP returns depend on market conditions and the interest rate can go up or down.

How to use Systematic Investment Plan calculator?

You can use the SIP amount calculator within a few clicks.

1. Enter your monthly investment: Type in the amount you want to invest each month.

2. Set the Expected Annual Return Rate: Enter the yearly interest rate you expect from your investment.

3. Choose the Investment Duration: Specify for how many years you plan to keep investing.

4. Click ‘Calculate’: Press the button to calculate your potential investment returns.

5. Review the Results: Check the displayed results for your total investment, estimated returns, and total value at the end of the investment period.

Remember, the results are estimates based on your inputs. You can adjust the values and recalculate to explore different scenarios.

Advantages of Using Systematic Investment Plan Calculator

By using ChartingSkills SIP calculator, you can take these advantages:

1. Simple Financial Planning: A SIP calculator simplifies the process of financial planning by providing clear estimates of future returns, enabling you to make informed investment decisions.

2. Goal-Oriented Investments: It helps in aligning your investments with specific financial goals, whether it’s saving for retirement, buying a house, or funding education.

3. Understanding Compound Interest: The calculator illustrates the power of compound interest, showing how small, regular investments can grow over time.

4. Customization: You can enter different variables (investment amount, time period, expected rate of return) to explore various scenarios and find a plan that suits your financial capacity and goals.

5. Risk Assessment: By providing estimated returns, a SIP calculator helps you gauge the potential risk and return profile of your investment, aiding in better risk management.

By using a SIP calculator, you can gain a clearer understanding of how your investments might perform, helping you make smarter, more informed investment decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pause my investment in SIP?

Yes, you can pause your SIP investments. Most mutual fund companies allow this, but terms vary, such as the maximum pause duration. Notify the fund house in advance to pause your SIP, and it will automatically resume after the pause period.

Are SIP’s Similar to mutual funds?

No, SIPs are not the same as mutual funds. A SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is a method of investing in mutual funds. It allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly (e.g., monthly or quarterly) in a mutual fund scheme, rather than making a lump-sum investment. In essence, a SIP is a way to buy mutual fund units consistently over time.

Can I renew a SIP?

Yes, you can renew a SIP. When your SIP tenure ends, you have the option to renew or extend it for the same or a different period. This can often be done easily through your mutual fund portal or by contacting your financial advisor. Renewing a SIP allows you to continue your regular investments and take advantage of compounding over a longer period.

How much can I invest in a SIP?

There’s no fixed upper limit for investing in a SIP; it depends on the mutual fund’s policies and your financial capacity. However, most SIPs start with a minimum investment amount, often as low as ₹500 per month. You can decide the amount based on your investment goals and financial situation, and adjust it over time if needed.

What are the types of SIPs available?

There are several types of SIPs are available to cater to different investment needs and strategies, these types includes Regular SIP, Top-Up SIP, Flexible SIP, Perpetual SIP, and Trigger SIP.

Each type offers unique benefits and can be chosen based on your investment goals and financial flexibility.

Do SIP allows only equity mutual funds investment?

No, SIPs are not limited to equity mutual funds only. You can use SIPs to invest in a variety of mutual fund types, including debt funds, balanced funds, and index funds, in addition to equity funds. This versatility makes SIPs a flexible option for diverse investment strategies.

Can I modify my SIP amount?

Yes, you can modify your SIP amount. Most mutual fund schemes offer the flexibility to increase or decrease your SIP investment amount.

What is the maximum tenure of a SIP?

The maximum tenure of a SIP can vary depending on the mutual fund house and the specific scheme. Commonly, SIPs offer a wide range of tenure options, from as short as 6 months to as long as perpetual (indefinite) periods, where the investment continues until you decide to stop. Always check the specific details of the SIP scheme for its maximum allowable tenure.